Hello Commoners!
Learning is pretty rad. How about knowing some new words to impress the hoi polloi today?
1. Idee fixe (ee-day-feeks)
An idea that dominates the mind; a fixed idea; an obsession.
>>Wondering how fun she would be to chase, Jessica became an idee fixe of the dinosaurs.
2. Sycophant (sik-uh-fuhnt)
A person who attempts to win favor by flattering people of wealth or influence; a parasite; a toady.
>> Jessica threw a grapefruit at the sycophant's mouth, wondering if she were dropped as a baby.
3.Impregnable (im-preg-nuh-buhl)
Not capable of being stormed or taken by assault; unconquerable; as, an impregnable fortress
>> As Jessica attacked Little Transylvania, the villagers and vampires realized that she was impregnable.
4.Gambol (gam-buhl)
To dance and skip about in play; to frolic.
>>When the sun goes down, Jessica likes to gambol with Siobhan.
5.Brobdingnagian (brob-ding-nag-ee-uhn)
Of extraordinary size; gigantic; enormous.
>> Jessica had a brobdingnagian collection of gnomes.
6.Canorous (kan-or-uhs)
Richly melodious; pleasant sounding; musical.
>>When Jessica woke up, she realized that the canorous voice she heard down the hall was, in fact, hers.
7.Irascible (ih-rass-uh-buhl)
Prone to anger; easily provoked to anger; hot-tempered.
>> Jessica knew a lion that was irascible.
8. Foudroyant (foo-droi-uhnt)
Overwhelming and sudden in effect
>> The smell was so foudroyant, Jessica tried to kill the skunk with a hockey stick.
9. Busker (bus-kur)
A person who entertains (as by playing music) in public places.
>> Jessica seduced a young busker named Rain.
A person who entertains (as by playing music) in public places.
>> Jessica seduced a young busker named Rain.
10. Hoi Polloi (hoi-puh-loi)
The common people generally; the masses.
>> The hoi polloi thought Jessica was a foreigner, an alien of some sort.
Hope you learned something new! More coming your way soon, Commoners!
Definitions got from dictionary.com
-Marley Marls
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