Wednesday, November 24, 2010


As many know, before coming to study at AIV in Canada, I first completed a fine arts degree at Whitecliffe College of Arts & Design in New Zealand.

The very first project that every student completes within their first week at Whitecliffe is a series of small artworks that fall under the thematic banner of Loci. The plural of the word locus, meaning the scene of any event or action, the Loci project is designed for students to begin exploring and challenging their own identity as designers, artists, and humans, i.e locating themselves in context with everything they are and know.

I was reminded of this project that started everything for me whilst on the set of the fashion film that Marlon mentioned in his previous post.

Location in relation to fashion is a reflection or a challenge of the identity of clothing, and I didn’t really understand the importance of that connection until after my experience on set this past weekend. Environment can change or accentuate the main focus of design, and it can be used to further separate and individualize a designers point of difference, which is so valuable in an oversaturated industry like fashion. 

Below is a selection of shots that separate themselves from the masses by using loci effectively >>





scanned from Vogue, March 2009


Pop Magazine,


- Jessica

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