Tuesday, March 29, 2011


W'sup readers....As Jessica mentioned, we are now going to ease back into our blogging for the following reasons you can read down below! As my first foray back to blogging, I wanted to share this with everyone (especially the graduates of AIVW11!)....I present to you

If you are an insomniac like I am, this is a god-given gift when you can't fall asleep (or when its freakishly not raining in Vancouver and you actually want the rain). It re-creates the sound of rolling thunder and rain, which continues playing for hours until you inevitably wake up. I've been listening to this for days now and I've been sleeping like someone who just graduated from school...oh wait, I just did! 

Check it out if you've been restless to get to sleep or just want something soothing in the background. As for our friends overseas-listen to this to remind you how amazing, though wet, Vancouver is. 

image from http://njthompson.wordpress.com/ and is not ours.

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