Sunday, October 31, 2010

Nothing's cooler than a virtual world.

In 1982, a little old movie called TRON came out and basically blew our friggen minds across cyberspace. About 28 years later, the highly anticipated sequel is coming out and is sure going to dominate the box office with  uber stylized fight sequences, neon colors, and  Olivia Wilde (check out freakin Jeff Bridges transformed to look like a 30 year old too!)

In short, the original story follows hacker and arcade owner Kevin Flynn as he is broken down digitally by an evil software known as Master Control and brought into the 3D world of computers.  There, he teams up with his girlfriend and a bookkeeping system to replace Master Control by, you guessed it, TRON.

Now, TRON: LEGACY follows Kevin Flynn's son Sam, as he is brought into the new and more dangerous world after looking into the disappearance of his father many years ago. There he finds that his dad has been living there for the past 25 years, and soon they both set out to destroy the villain once and for all.


You know what the best part about this is? DAFT PUNK. CHECK IT. They are providing the score for the entire movie. 

This movie is going to be such a big hit, even with people who don't know the original.
TRON: LEGACY is going to blow our minds December 17, 2010.

Oh yeaaaaaah.

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